Another Treatment Success at Southern Pain!


Treating leg pain in office with techniques a traditional pain clinic does not offer!

A 62 year old patient presented to us with severe “leg pain”. Initially, she was sent to us to evaluate her associated low back pain. After evaluation we discovered severely decreased blood flow to the left leg on an ultrasound performed in our office.

The patient was treated in our outpatient lab utilizing atherectomy, i.e. plaque removal and stent placement. 

The initial angiogram showed essentially complete occlusion of the artery in the mid left thigh. The plaque removal device, atherectomy, resulted in a dramatic improvement but with some persistent narrowing. This was treated with placement of a stent, metal self expanding tube, and angioplasty (balloon expansion).

The final images show almost a normal appearance to the repaired artery. The patient had an immediate and dramatic response with almost no pain and the ability to walk/exercise with no real limit!

This is just one example of how Southern Pain goes above and beyond a traditional pain clinic to find the true root of our patients’ pain and fix it permanently!


For an easy-to-follow visual guide to peripheral artery disease (PAD), we recommend this slideshow!


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